Wow! Our visit from Coach Berry was fabulous!

Coach Berry’s 1st Consulting with us in Florida at two Gyms Meeting Minutes 7/2/08 Attending: Andrew, Regina, Julie, Bonnie, Meric, Tony, Kristin, Taylor & Donna. Wow! Our visit from Coach Berry was fabulous! Use what you heard, saw, and learned and blow it up—make it your code. Around the room: tell me what you learned from Coach and how you will apply it- Regina: his … [Read more...]

WOW Coach Berry!

I just had to share this with NPE. I am currently on vacation in my Hometown, Oceanside, California visiting my family and attending my High school reunion. A few months back I was reading something in my VIP material that mentioned Coach Berry of Oceanside. I thought, "Wow! Someone is cranking it in my hometown!" I knew the next time I went home to visit I was going to somehow get myself in … [Read more...]

I Lost 10 – 100 lbs

Call NOW 760-522-1805, Sign-Up Now 760-522-1805... Why Haven't You Called 760-522-1805? Call NOW 760-522-1805, Sign-Up Now 760-522-1805... Why Haven't You Called 760-522-1805? Call NOW 760-522-1805, Sign-Up Now 760-522-1805... Why Haven't You Called 760-522-1805? Call NOW 760-522-1805, Sign-Up Now 760-522-1805... Why Haven't You Called … [Read more...]

Coach Berry Interview

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Coach’s Fund Raiser for Ivey Ranch Park

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Presenting the Coach Berry Studio

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Building Temples One Brick at a Time

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Get Coach Berry On Oprah!

And Here Is Coach's Audition Reel … [Read more...]


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Want Results That Last?

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Flat Monthly Rate!

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Join the Ranks!

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3 Free Training Sessions

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Photos from Events

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“He really cares about people!”

Coach Berry is the best.  He has a unique system at Dare To Be Fit Training Studio.  It is not your typical gym experience.  His studio is like home away from home.  It is warm and friendly, like family.  For the amount people pay for personal trainers (and I am one, so I know), Coach offers a great monthly rate that allows you to use his studio and be trained by a professional trainer as often as … [Read more...]

“I let everyone know where I workout and sing your praise!”

Hi Coach Berry, I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your kindness and generosity you have extended to me. You have helped me change my life and restore my health. You encourage and lift people’s spirits when they come into your Studio. You give your energy everyday to help us all believe that nothing is impossible if we show up and do the work. Being in your Studio on my good and … [Read more...]

“My body is changing and I am finally noticing and others in the gym are noticing!”

Why Coach Berry is right for me? He is wonderful!  I think what has impressed me most is his genuine concern for his clients.  I have left him once for 5 months and once for 9 months and the last time for about a year and a half.  Yes, three times is a charm!  I do not plan on leaving again.  Each time I had seen some other trainer and felt they wanted money and basically there interest stop … [Read more...]

“You are absolutely amazing!”

You are absolutely amazing. All the doctors and surgeries I have over the last few years have not helped me the way you have. I was in major pain every day, and you took most of that away :) I was weak, now I'm strong, sad now happy, broken now fixed, self-conscious, now confident, hopeless now looking forward to a wonderful life, before I just wanted to make it through another day... I am so glad … [Read more...]

“I can honestly say that Coach Berry’s best attributes are his care for the people he trains!”

Hi my name is Brisselis Owen and I have been training with Coach Berry for the last 8 years and his professionalism is above reproach. He has helped me and many others to focus and continue with a life long struggle to maintain a level of fitness to safeguard my health. His fitness program has reduced my blood pressure to acceptable limits and I have much more energy for my day to day … [Read more...]

“Coach Berry rocks!”

Hi my name is Brody, I went to coach Berry consistently in the summer of 2006. Coach Berry helped me gain twenty pounds of lean muscle and showed me the proper form for various exercises. He put me on a nutrition program with higher protein and calorie needs because I was severely under weight. He taught me resistance training to help achieve my goal. Coach Berry keeps you going, wanting more, … [Read more...]