This is a letter of appreciation to MSgt. Berry for his HELP in getting me to my military required weight with the use of his exercise program(s) and the use of some of his equipment to help in the never ending battle of health and vitality. He is very knowledgeable in nutrition which is more than half the problem of our society. I’m a 72 inch tall Marine that loves food and can eat throughout the day, but because of the strict standards set by the military for appearance it is a challenge to eat right and keep up the pace without going over the limit. It is also a good practice to take care of yourself for life’s little surprises. MSgt. Berry has taken the time to gain the knowledge of exercise and nutrition not only for himself, but his family and some of his associates. Everyone has benefited from his information and fitness equipment. With MSgt. Berry’s help I was able to lose the necessary weight during a grace period allowed to the few Marines who were over their weight limit. In conclusion, I am thankful for the help that Coach Berry has given me!
Sgt. Fred D. Henrahan, III/USMC