My name is Ziggy Porzig. I am a personal trainer and the owner of a small gym in Oceanside CA called Unique Harmony Fitness. Let me start off by saying there is a huge jump from being a Trainer to owning your own gym. I genuinely thought that with 17 years of working as a Technician in Physical Therapy, planning and trade marking my Wellness business for 12 years and being a mobile Trainer for 3 years that I was “ready” to go off on my own. I was ready, but I should not have done it on my own.
As a Trainer, I desire to help people change their bodies and their lives. As a business owner, I desire to be successful so I can expand and continue to share the fact that at Unique Harmony Fitness “We Change Your Body one workout at a time”. After 6 months of trying to be a Trainer and a business owner, I knew I could be doing more for my clients as well as my business so I began to hunt for help.
As I browsed online, Coach Berry and his Dare to be fit program kept coming up. He was all over the place with before and after photos, how he and NPE (Net Profit Explosion) blew his business off the map, and how he was ultimately changing peoples lives. After careful review of the Dare to be fit website I was convinced. He was the Man. What is this man doing to transform his clients and grow his business? What ever it was-I needed to know. I wanted to learn first hand what Coach Berry and the Dare to be fit program was all about.
I approached Coach Berry and asked him if he would consider training me for the month of October as a client and to share some ideas with me as a business owner to be more successful in my fitness business. He quickly agreed and I committed to train 3 times a week with the goal of gaining lean muscle mass and an education on his method of training and business concepts.
During my time with Coach, he was very attentive and he treated me with kindness, compassion, and absolute respect as a fellow trainer and business owner. Coach taught me his way of transformation based on showing up a given number of days (based on client’s schedule and goals), doing exercises in a specific way to get more Bang for my buck, and doing it in an organized simple manner. But it didn’t stop there! He took his time to work on my body where I have a lot of issues in order for me to have some relief during exercise. Talk about personal service. Ty, Coach’s son, was also available and very helpful to me.
By my last (13th) session I had gained: muscle mass, abdominal strength, knowledge of how to activate muscles more effectively, and a training system that brings results.
It didn’t stop there. Coach also allowed me to purchase a few pieces of equipment from his surplus AND let me use his vehicle to get to my gym! Are you serious?!
But it didn’t stop there. Coach also spent time encouraging me as he shared about his journey, gave me tons of contacts and information regarding nutrition, business, marketing, and how he uses social media to promote his programs. Wheew!
Coach never stops giving. It doesn’t Stop.
In closing, I appreciate you Coach Berry as a man, a Coach and a businessman. You are in a league of your own, and you are a gift that has kept on giving. Thank you for encouraging me to grow as a Man, a Trainer and a Business owner. I strongly encourage you to create that Mentorship Program for Trainers. You Rock Coach!
Ziggy Porzig
Unique Harmony Fitness