My name is Israel LoBue a Fit Body Boot Camp Owner in Southern California. I met Coach Berry a true expert, at Fitness Business Summit 11 Conference in Orange County, California. I was extremely impressed and grateful for what he had to share with me. He was very easy to talk to and was so eager to help me out by share all his extensive knowledge in order to help me grow my business. Coach Berry’s Studio Dare to be Fit located in Oceanside was only about 40 miles north from where I train. My wife and I was extended and invitation to come check out his studio after the conference. Coach Berry spent over 3 hours with me and my wife (who was 9 months pregnant at the time) and showed us so many things that are currently working for him to explode his business. I’m very thankful for the time he spent with us and the patience he showed to help us learn. Coach is truly a top notch expert in our field and I feel more confident and ready to use what he taught me and apply it to explode my own business. Thank you Coach Berry for all your help and support!
Israel LoBue