Coach Berry’s 1st Consulting with us in Florida at two Gyms
Meeting Minutes 7/2/08
Attending: Andrew, Regina, Julie, Bonnie, Meric, Tony, Kristin, Taylor & Donna.
Wow! Our visit from Coach Berry was fabulous!
Use what you heard, saw, and learned and blow it up—make it your code.
Around the room: tell me what you learned from Coach and how you will apply it-
Regina: his energy and passion he shows is contagious.
Julie: just amazed…made friends for life in 30 seconds. Make connections with members- everyone felt his energy – members took to him very well. Created so much energy throughout the club on 1st visit.. he really cares.
Bonnie: as a trainer felt very validated- training techniques are about form and fundamentals. He has a heart of gold and that’s what people get…..very genuine….totally inspirational…met him using auto-closer…..he makes every person think they can change their life.
Meric: saw him as a real person- very caring-wants people to feel good about themselves….knows everyone by name. Little changes make a big difference…never gives up…follows up with every member.
Tony: looks at everyone the same…never stops talking….Makes his members believe he can take them from where they are now and improve their quality of life. He’s phenomenal.
Chuck: very intense, lots of energy- brings the basics back to your mind. Remember his business is a segment of what we do..we have a much bigger operation and have to look at that.
Taylor: gave me a good shot in the arm… times I got tired but never lost interest. Keeps you involved….wants us to interject what we learned into the trainers. Plan your work day and work your plan…this is how we need to do it or approach it.
Andrew: the common thread- not just about energy but his commitment to others.
We usually go through life self-serving then we share with a spouse, significant other, children…..what Coach does is share everything with everybody. He gives up himself to others- remember when you sign someone up for membership- this is our commitment to them…said a lot of great things…a lot that we’ve heard before and some we haven’t heard before. One things that really stood out: you’re not paying me, you’re paying this for yourself… this is for you.
Donna: main purpose for wanting visit from Coach was to learn from his training methods but we got so much more. he brought a suitcase full of his materials…a lot we had seen before..but the point is that he came with a very serious mission: to help us transform our staff.
He left his “safe” nest to come and meet strangers—had to be somewhat nerve-racking..but he never stopped talking.
What he showed me was to find the passion everyday—know what makes each and every one of us tick and what gets us going—knows there is passion in each and every one of us. Tells me on the phone everyday to get upstairs and workout with the trainers and tell them what they’re doing wrong….and right.
Really inspired me..found a friend, a colleague, an ally and a Coach. Told him we were proud to be his first consulting job…
Noticed everything in his vocabulary is positive…no cursing, no put downs…
*someone we can look to for a wealth of inspiration
*someone we can look up to for how he lives his life.
He calls his members his angels…goes to parties and takes pictures with them so he can show them off…because he’s so proud of what they have done.
This is how we eliminate the competition…
Expectations are met every time..uniquely different but the same.
We very much enjoyed our visit from Coach and hope to have him back again soon.
It was an experience we will all continue to benefit from.